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Bruisable Heart


Praise for Bruisable Heart top 10 rock albums from local artists

"With his latest album, Matt York humbly introduces himself as a songwriter of great depth, an empathetic heart, and a world of talent."

"York Presents [Bruisable Heart] with such an unflinching sense of flawed humanity that the heartbreak is beautifully, palpably real."

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Great Big House


"[A] noticeably great sounding record, leaning far more to the ‘UK’ than anything I can remember Rick singing on. Maybe it’s the guitar, which takes a starring role, or the cool tight vocal arrangements, but this record sounds strongly Townshend or Bowie, and occasionally Thompson, at least just before the horns come back in, clearly marking this as Boston proper. Meticulously produced, and full of love, sadness, and poignancy, this has to be one of the records of the year." – Shaun Wolf Wortis"GREAT BIG HOUSE is Rick Berlin w/ THE NICKEL & DIME BAND’s 5th record in a decade. Our most coherent and multi-genre (hard rock, americana, pop, singer-songwriter, crazy) ever. [...] It does cover many bases musically and is fully produced without sounding processed. To a great extent, all the songs are true and come from lives lived." – RB

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"It’s kind of surreal that this song is finally ready. This year was full of so many things that we almost can’t believe it finally has wrapped up into this song. Even two days ago we were waiting on the edge of our seat for some divine conclusion. We did it. Despite it all. We are here wearing our hearts and this song on our sleeves. We are very grateful to every single one of you - for the continuous support and love toward the great family of people that we are building. We proudly give you In/Tension." – N/H

About No/Hugs

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7 Songs


"I love the whole album. Really love the job that T.J. Wenzl did bringing all the parts together and really making the whole thing pop. Great/big guitar work. Loved the CB's song. Reminds me of a modern day Jim Carroll Band tune. The song 'Fragile' is one Rick's best I've heard and I've been listening to him my whole life. The power of the vocals coupled with the fragility of the guitar parts and lyrics make it a standout for me. The musicianship is terrific and Rick's voice and words have never sounded better." – Matt York

"Rick Berlin is Boston's fine wine in the basement; he just gets better with age. On his latest album, all of the hallmarks of Rick's unique style are front and center: his jester's heart and love of mischief, his poetry of the street, filled with lovely slice of life details and melancholy and nostalgia, and the punk cabaret showmanship that has made him a local icon. Together with his band, tight and inventive as ever, '7 Songs' swings, grooves, rocks and ultimately leaves you with a big silly smile on your face. This is Rick's gift, to be equal parts beatnik barfly and rock raconteur, and we are all lucky to be in his orbit." – Phil Wilcox"7 SONGS is our 6th record in 10+ years. Fortunate to be able to record and finish brand new tunes during the pandemic. No rehearsal in advance, they were largely worked up in the studio." – RB

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